
Your Brand Audience

We want to make sure we're finding the best business influencers for you.

Your Brand Website


About The Brand


What industries are you targeting?

*List as many as you can, separated by commas


What job titles are your targeting?

*List as many as you can, separated by commas


What company sizes are your targeting?

*Pick as many as you like

Would you like to help build the MVP?

If you say yes, we might ask you for feedback sessions and the occasional call.

Are you interested in learning about Account Based Influence?

This is a premium feature which enables you to see what accounts are reading specific business influencers content.

Book onboarding call

We will start working finding the best influencers for you. We just want to introduce ourselves and more importantly, understand the length of campaign, how you want to distribute the spend (Micro vs. Macro Influencers) and your goals.

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